
Download Codea 3.1 for iPhone and iPad

A Paid Education App for $14.99 By Two Lives Left

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You are about to download the Codea 3.1 for iPhone and iPad (Require iOS 12.4 or Later): Codea is a Education App: Creative coding. Create games and simulations ...

Please be aware that iPa4Fun does not offer direct ipa file download for old version of Codea. You can read more about Codea or download it on the App Store (99.29 MB) >

Download and Try Codea 3.1 for iPhone and iPad

Codea version 3.1 Release Notes

New Features

- Asset keys. See below!

- Fancy new color picker

- Significantly enhanced autocomplete

- Printing the same message twice now aggregates in the output pane

- Image format support for floating point textures and more


- Improved Codea sound interop with other apps playing music or sounds

- Fixes crash when assigning large (> 100) arrays to shader uniforms

- Generative sound() effects getting increasingly laggy after multiple playbacks

- Argument help understands nested expressions and only shows help based on cursor location, e.g., parameter.color("Name", color(255, 255, 0)) will show help related to the deepest expression at the cursor location

- Updates World Generator example to use new image formats for higher precision textures

- Scrolling when typing near the bottom of the page

- Bugs with the code editor in landscape on iPhone

- Tapping at the top row of input keys could occasionally drop the cursor further down the page. No more!

- DeltaTime calculation was sometimes incorrect and could cause frame hiccups, this is fixed

Asset Strings are Deprecated

- You'll get a warning when using strings like "Documents:MySprite"

- assetList is deprecated

- What's the alternative? Asset keys

Asset Keys

Asset keys are autocompleted identifiers in your code which refer to live files in your file system. If you type a key and the file doesn't exist, it's an error. Autocomplete will show completions for keys which are actually in your file system

Basically, isntead of "Project:MySprite" you now can type asset.MySprite. There's a whole lore more, see the docs under "Using Assets" to learn all about them

Here's the gist:

-- Refer to "MySprite.png" in the current project


-- Get a file in the Documents folder


-- Get into a subfolder in your project


-- Get the icon for an example project


-- Create an asset key for a new file in your project

local newAsset = asset .. "readme.txt"

-- ...or somewhere else

local newAsset = asset.documents .. "image.png"

-- Access our built-in sprite packs


-- If you have multiple files in a folder with the same name, but different extensions, they'll have unique keys

local myModel = asset.model_obj

local myTexture = asset.model_png

-- If your file name has characters we can't use in a Lua identifier, then you need to use bracket indexing

asset.documents["My File (version 2).png"]

The above is all for referring to individual resources. If you refer to a folder, you get an asset library. This is an object which dynamically tracks the filesystem, you can list its contents and even receive notifications when the contents change

-- Get all the files in Documents

local docs = asset.documents.all

-- Print all the files in your project

for i,v in pairs(asset.all) do



-- Get notified when the files in "MyFolder" change

asset.MyFolder.updated = function (lib)

print("Library has " .. #lib .. " files")


-- Use '#' to get the number of files in an asset library



-- Get the full path of an asset key or library



Download Codea for iOS 12.4 or later

• Release Date: October 26, 2011

• Updated On: March 20, 2020

• App Version: 3.1

• File Size: 99.29 MB (104118272 Bytes)

• Device Compatibility: iPhone and iPad

• Requires iOS: 12.4 and up

• App Languages: English, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish

• Download on the App Store:

Codea Version History

Codea 3.10 (Latest Version, Updated: March 9, 2024)

Codea 3.9.7 (Updated: February 5, 2024)

Codea 3.9.6 (Updated: January 23, 2024)

Codea 3.9.1 (Updated: November 23, 2023)

Codea 3.9 (Updated: October 27, 2023)

Full Version History >

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